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Here is a sample of STOP SABOTAGING YOUR FINANCIAL LIFE, a free newsletter helping you increase the joy and satisfaction in your life while creating financial stability, published occasionally by Laurie Weiss, of Empowerment Systems

This is a continuation of the conversation started in the teleclass, Stop Sabotaging Your Financial Life.


To subscribe to this Newsletter, Stop Sabotaging Your Financial Life, send a blank email with “Subscribe” in the subject line to

SINCE THE CLASS (or since the last issue of this newsletter)
What thoughts have you had about your own financial life? 
What changes have you made? 

Send me your information and I will share it with the list. 

My goal is to help people increase the joy and satisfaction in their lives while creating financial stability for themselves. My greatest success in doing this happened when my clients (and myself) made little changes in awareness and habits that gradually and painlessly led to bigger important changes. I am collecting and sharing your small changes. Please SEND ME YOUR SMALL CHANGES!

None this time. Please send yours.


A reader asks, “I want to pay attention to what is really valuable to me. How can I tell the difference between internal (good???) and external (bad???) cues to what is important to me? 

An internal cue is something you start to think about on your own, before someone has pointed to it and said “pay attention to this.” Internal cues often appear as emotions or physical sensations. You may feel happy, sad, angry or afraid without knowing why. Often the emotion is accompanied by a physical sensation like tight shoulders, butterflies, tears, or a smile. Stop and notice the thoughts you were thinking, or something you became aware of just before you became aware of your emotions or physical sensations. If you always smile when you water your garden, that may be important information about something that is important to you. If your shoulders feel tight when you think about talking to your boss, that is also potentially important information.

An external cue is something outside of you that you respond to, often automatically. It can be an advertisement, a routine experience, a time on the clock, a smell, or just about anything. You may walk past your TV set and respond to the cue of seeing it by automatically turning it on, even though you have no particular internal desire to watch TV at the moment. You may automatically stop at the coffee shop on your way to work, just because you do so every day, whether or not you really feel like having coffee right now.

Sometimes internal cues are useful signals about how to use your time and your resources. Sometimes acting on them will cause problems—like the internal signal to sleep longer when you need to get up and go to work. If you followed that internal cue, you could certainly sabotage your financial life. 

Often external cues are useful too. The routine you follow to organize your work day is often based on notes on your calendar or on your desk—external reminders of what you need to do. Sometimes external cues lead you to do things that are a drain on your resources, and do not lead to satisfaction. That is where they may lead to financial self-sabotage.

It is easy to “go unconscious” about both internal and external cues. Staying (or becoming) conscious will help you make decisions that help you reach your goals.


I fill out this form frequently, as a way of staying aware of my tendency to “go unconscious” in many areas of my life. Are you using this exercise? Share it with others from the class. Send me a copy in this format and I will include it in the next mailing.

Today’s Topic: Doing—being productive. 

1. Why is it useful or important for me to think about this topic now?
I have been very hard on myself when I have not met my own production standards. I am my own boss and my own slave.

2. How do I know when I have too much of this?
When I go to bed, I am too tired to read more than one or two paragraphs of my fiction book.

3. How do I know when I don’t have enough of this?
I feel anxious and restless about the mess created by incomplete tasks.

4. What does my culture define as too much or not enough of this?
Being productive means you are a good person.

5. What did my family say about too much or not enough of this when I was a child? Now?
My mother frequently told me to stop reading and do something useful.

6. What did my family do about too much or not enough of this when I was a child? Now?
Both my parents were active, busy and productive. 

7. What was it like when I had just enough of this? Describe it. Or, if you have never experienced just enough of this, what do you imagine it would be like?
I took time to read books for an hour a day, to exercise and to keep up with my work. I took time to play. 

8. What does (or would) just enough of this look/feel like for me, now?
Set reasonable expectations for myself, and stop when I have met them.

9. What action, if any, will I take to create just enough of this in my life? When?
Practice meditation more frequently (daily ) to make myself slow down. 

In the last newsletter, I asked:
“Is is section useful to you???? No one has shared any information about using it. Should I eliminate it?“
Several people responded that they found it valuable. Thank you for the feedback.

Copyright 2002, Laurie Weiss. Please feel free to forward or reproduce this material as long as you give detailed credit, including this copyright line. If you reprint it in a publication, please send me a complete copy of the publication.

I hope this has been useful. 


Master Certified Coach 

For a complete list of available resources visit

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