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Coaching Conflict Consultation Couples' Counseling Publications Psychotherapy Parenting & Self- Parenting Talks, Workshops & Programs Favorite Resources and Links

Empowerment Systems

"........When Change is the Challenge."



Psychotherapy at Empowerment Systems: For a Supportive,Satisfying, Productive, Joyful, and Vital Life!

When you come to Empowerment Systems, you will appreciate ourcareful attention to the things that are most important to you. You'll feel thatsomeone is really listening to you, without judgment. Working in closepartnership with your counselor, you will discover your own direction and behelped to focus on your own goals. 

With surprising lightness and humor, you will be guided to recognizethe limiting pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that may haveblocked your innate ability to have joyful, satisfying relationships. You'll findthe hidden beliefs and assumptions that hold these patterns in place. Youwill discover choices you didn't know you had. You'll be delighted toexperience the freedom and relief that comes from challenging andovercoming the unnecessary obstacles to your own vitality.

As you learn to reclaim all your human qualities, you free yourself togive and receive love. You become free to respond in a loving way to theneeds of others, without fear of losing yourself. The spontaneity and joy thatflows from a complete acceptance of yourself, warts and all, invites others tolove and appreciate themselves as well as you.

Spontaneity and vitality are qualities of living fully in the present,instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. In the present,you are responsive to your own needs and feelings, those of the peoplearound you, and the realities of your current situation. "I and Thou in thehere and now!"

If you need a safe environment in which to learn and try out new skills,you'll find that Empowerment Systems can provide you with a strong,supportive base. If you learn best when you are challenged and stimulated,we can provide opportunities for as much confrontation and feedback as youcan use.

Jon & Laurie Weiss are pioneers in the development of CorrectiveParenting, a form of Inner Child work thatuses healthy, life-enhancing experiences to replace painful and traumaticones. John Bradshaw, TV personality and author of Homecoming,Bradshaw on the Family, and many others, says, "The Weisses are the bestof a handful of... therapists who use a true developmental approach. I amindebted to them."

Call now for an appointment.

Affordable rates, flexible hours, and convenient location in the Denverarea make it practical to start now to build the extraordinary relationshipsyou deserve.


506 West Davies Way
Littleton · Colorado · 80120

303.794.5379 · Phone

weiss@empowermentsystems.com · E-Mail

"Committed to helping people use all of their inner resources
to create satisfying and fulfilling lives."